"We come to the infinite well of life with a thimble, and so we go away thirsty."

Perhaps we simply need to jump into the well

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Papaji would say, like a bucket in a well… throw away the rope.

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Thank you River for sending me to this. It strikes so many cords. I’m in my 2nd time swimming in this current, the flowing in the currency of Love’s deep fathomless unending aliveness in expression — all we sense, feel, think, say and do — what drives and powers it all.

Tibetan Dzogchen master poet Longchenpa speaks to the “zing” and you’ve helped me find it more clearly elucidating what he means clarifying what the direct experience is.

I’ve recently discovered I’ve lost the old motivations of instinctual misidentified body-mind functioning.

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Oops, premature publishing of comment while getting my very alive kitty off my lap.

I know that the dynamic aliveness/logos/Word of Being is working my system free of being hampered by the small self more radically. Its aliveness is implacable and ineluctable, profoundly intimate and responsive with tender mercies while also wild and completely free — all powerful Almighty Omnipotence.

I find myself in the unknown curiosity daily, dying daily, moment to moment, wondering how this creative Life force will function in and through this little itty bitty body of This Life.

Did you ever read “Dragon Riders of Pern” Anne McCaffery? Favorites of mine back in the day. Lovely cooperative joining of the two species to save the day of course. 😉

I have a dear friend no longer embodied on this plane, went by the name Thunder. Opened the White Dragon Good Feelings Tea Room here in Durango, CO. Invited me to host “Tea & Essential Conversation” gatherings there.

Creative dynamic aliveness, the zing of the everyday Life active everywhere at all levels always NowHere at work within without as One whole all-inclusive unfolding NowHere — and we get to be actively in the discovery of what that Is, means, wants to get up to right NowHere as the very glow of our existence. Metis — the open inclusive awareness and the intense focus; the wide lens and the macro lens at once zinging with aliveness as the new emerges spontaneously out of nothingness to Be what Is NowHere as you and me—our co-creative dynamism in essential conversation.

It’s a way to Be and be lived as what Is that few know is possible let alone experience it. It’s coming alive in us though or we wouldn’t be expressing it, it’s the dawning of prescient light in our collective evolution. Perhaps one day soon the 100reth monkey person will get it and the species will all suddenly catch on — it’s how aliveness works: everywhere at once; and in those upper dimensions it’s already so, we’re just catching up to what Is.

I’ll be spending a bit more time with this before going on to the other more recent one you recommended.

Very glad of you. 🙏💖♾️⛲️💞🤝❤️‍🔥

Zing! ⚡️🌱🐉🐣🤯🤩🥰😍

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