I really appreciated this, thanks. I linked a video capturing one of the best illustrations of metis I have encountered, big wave surfer Laird Hamilton on Teahupo'o. Note how he spontaneously invents a new stance WHILE RIDING a wave thought to be unrideable. "It softened some hard corners in my life."
this probably isn't where you're going with this but funnily enough i think this might be the sort of thing speedrunners and other top gamers are aiming for. i don't think i've ever played hard enough video games to produce it myself
Beautiful and inspiring. Puts words to something that I’ve been thinking about for a couple of years now- about the relationship between expanded awareness, embodiment, BJJ, spontaneity, playfulness, learning, etc... One to come back to.
the full picture isn't out yet, but the most recent article Into the Psychozoic gives a direction, and the other article "Deep Aliveness in the Rain-Soaked Pines" is related to the overall idea-complex
Gosh, was that only a couple of weeks ago? Man! So much has unfolded. I found myself speaking about this just this morning though I didn’t remember the word, metis. Revisiting this essay again in the light of a few weeks of Life happening, I see how much the impressions abd digestion of Essence as metis has worked its way in while noticing that a stage of deep relaxation, nourishing, opening out has occurred more recently.
So grateful to have this come up and be brought back.
Is there going to be more soon? I love where you left off …
There’s been an awakening going on in the less than 24 hours since reading your essays of metis. I enjoyed rereading this one this morning.
It occurs that there are ways I set myself up to generate this state, humbly put, procrastination and being late.
Also looking into when this natural state arises and has arisen in my life, the times I’ve faced death: ocean undertow at Big Sur, and falling down the side of the mountain skiing the Austrian Alps.
Regarding how I live, it involves this daily adventurous exploration on the inner journey Home NowHere, living the Truth when it doesn’t join up with how life is lived in this world. I’ve said for a long time now that if you’re struggling to function in a dysfunctional society, that’s actually highly intelligent; means there’s something right with you. What it really means to live in this crazy world and not be of it, yet Here we/what comprises the totality of us, are.
There’s daring and boldness but also expanded intra-connectedness of the paradoxical state of relaxed openness required in staying true and living the truths revealed and realized to be so. That were led to live thus in the face of society mostly oblivious; of institutions made of people going along, sleepwalking or even more disabled automatons and zombies. Checking out is a coping mechanism much of our economy benefits from, let alone the industrial complexes that profit from it.
Looking through this lens is quite fun, liberating, inclusive. It allows for being This more fully alive in the day to day. It’s like the surfer on the biggest wave video one of the commenters offered — this living on one’s growing edge.
The unknown is right in your face. There’s a dying into it, surrendering, yielding, giving way to that greater loving intelligence. There’s deep focused attention to resistances, energies coming and going. The phrase “diving into the deepest waters” that’s been coming up lately. It goes beyond the longest breath we have. Having almost drowned, I know that one. It’s letting oneself drown not knowing what comes after. It’s why so many wisdom traditions have death as an ally in their initiations.
Psychological deaths, leaving the known hells on this exploration into deep space of infinite conscious being has inherent to it the focused concentrated attention coupled with expansive awareness that is none other than what we are, what investigates, creates, destroys, sustains, lives, loves.
The creative act of writing is on that very edge for many of us. Blank page, not knowing what is going to come forth as something writes itself into existence. Something that wasn’t there before.
I was in a writing group, spiritual writers of many kinds, and found myself doing meditations to get us going. These guided processes involved relaxed opening out, intra-connection, and then coming into focus on the writing task at hand. I see that more clearly now: just what was going on there that had intuition, connection with the group via Presence and joining in the flow together.
The pin-pointed accuracy of attention that is also broadly inclusively aware,
*instinctual in the grounded and uplifted sense,
sensory awareness of full embodiment,
*allowing information to circulate throughout our living open systems beyond the confines of the rational, knowing conditioned mind while that information is available as needed,
*noting muscle memory, etc., what practices over the years that have become established come on-line,
*how we breathe, move.
There’s so much more involved which includes how free we are from old patterns to be unwittingly spontaneous in the discovery of what’s possible when we don’t know.
I’ve been looking for awhile—on the hunt, (target acquired), for some key to how all that’s come alive in my being functions in the day to day so it’s possible to really Be In this world while in This Mystery; in Truth, as the living Love we are.
Thank you for all the time, energy, investment of your being to be an instrument through which this could come forth. I see how metis of Being has you. Rejoice in seeing how it Is part of Being HUman. 🙏
You’ll see in my restack how appreciative I am at this HeArticulation. It elucidates something of the wave, the dawning currently unfolding here. I plan to spend a bit more time with it and look forward to the next one. Thank you so much.
I really appreciated this, thanks. I linked a video capturing one of the best illustrations of metis I have encountered, big wave surfer Laird Hamilton on Teahupo'o. Note how he spontaneously invents a new stance WHILE RIDING a wave thought to be unrideable. "It softened some hard corners in my life."
Wow. Wow wow wow. Perfect.
this probably isn't where you're going with this but funnily enough i think this might be the sort of thing speedrunners and other top gamers are aiming for. i don't think i've ever played hard enough video games to produce it myself
Beautiful and inspiring. Puts words to something that I’ve been thinking about for a couple of years now- about the relationship between expanded awareness, embodiment, BJJ, spontaneity, playfulness, learning, etc... One to come back to.
This is it, chief.
So you left us with a cliff hanger—is there more yet?
I sent it out to another person opening into metis via gaming.
oops yeah I should put some links in here
the full picture isn't out yet, but the most recent article Into the Psychozoic gives a direction, and the other article "Deep Aliveness in the Rain-Soaked Pines" is related to the overall idea-complex
Gosh, was that only a couple of weeks ago? Man! So much has unfolded. I found myself speaking about this just this morning though I didn’t remember the word, metis. Revisiting this essay again in the light of a few weeks of Life happening, I see how much the impressions abd digestion of Essence as metis has worked its way in while noticing that a stage of deep relaxation, nourishing, opening out has occurred more recently.
So grateful to have this come up and be brought back.
Is there going to be more soon? I love where you left off …
Everything’s on the line … 💘
There’s been an awakening going on in the less than 24 hours since reading your essays of metis. I enjoyed rereading this one this morning.
It occurs that there are ways I set myself up to generate this state, humbly put, procrastination and being late.
Also looking into when this natural state arises and has arisen in my life, the times I’ve faced death: ocean undertow at Big Sur, and falling down the side of the mountain skiing the Austrian Alps.
Regarding how I live, it involves this daily adventurous exploration on the inner journey Home NowHere, living the Truth when it doesn’t join up with how life is lived in this world. I’ve said for a long time now that if you’re struggling to function in a dysfunctional society, that’s actually highly intelligent; means there’s something right with you. What it really means to live in this crazy world and not be of it, yet Here we/what comprises the totality of us, are.
There’s daring and boldness but also expanded intra-connectedness of the paradoxical state of relaxed openness required in staying true and living the truths revealed and realized to be so. That were led to live thus in the face of society mostly oblivious; of institutions made of people going along, sleepwalking or even more disabled automatons and zombies. Checking out is a coping mechanism much of our economy benefits from, let alone the industrial complexes that profit from it.
Looking through this lens is quite fun, liberating, inclusive. It allows for being This more fully alive in the day to day. It’s like the surfer on the biggest wave video one of the commenters offered — this living on one’s growing edge.
The unknown is right in your face. There’s a dying into it, surrendering, yielding, giving way to that greater loving intelligence. There’s deep focused attention to resistances, energies coming and going. The phrase “diving into the deepest waters” that’s been coming up lately. It goes beyond the longest breath we have. Having almost drowned, I know that one. It’s letting oneself drown not knowing what comes after. It’s why so many wisdom traditions have death as an ally in their initiations.
Psychological deaths, leaving the known hells on this exploration into deep space of infinite conscious being has inherent to it the focused concentrated attention coupled with expansive awareness that is none other than what we are, what investigates, creates, destroys, sustains, lives, loves.
The creative act of writing is on that very edge for many of us. Blank page, not knowing what is going to come forth as something writes itself into existence. Something that wasn’t there before.
I was in a writing group, spiritual writers of many kinds, and found myself doing meditations to get us going. These guided processes involved relaxed opening out, intra-connection, and then coming into focus on the writing task at hand. I see that more clearly now: just what was going on there that had intuition, connection with the group via Presence and joining in the flow together.
The pin-pointed accuracy of attention that is also broadly inclusively aware,
*instinctual in the grounded and uplifted sense,
sensory awareness of full embodiment,
*allowing information to circulate throughout our living open systems beyond the confines of the rational, knowing conditioned mind while that information is available as needed,
*noting muscle memory, etc., what practices over the years that have become established come on-line,
*how we breathe, move.
There’s so much more involved which includes how free we are from old patterns to be unwittingly spontaneous in the discovery of what’s possible when we don’t know.
I’ve been looking for awhile—on the hunt, (target acquired), for some key to how all that’s come alive in my being functions in the day to day so it’s possible to really Be In this world while in This Mystery; in Truth, as the living Love we are.
Thank you for all the time, energy, investment of your being to be an instrument through which this could come forth. I see how metis of Being has you. Rejoice in seeing how it Is part of Being HUman. 🙏
You’ll see in my restack how appreciative I am at this HeArticulation. It elucidates something of the wave, the dawning currently unfolding here. I plan to spend a bit more time with it and look forward to the next one. Thank you so much.